YOUR Chance To Get Involved In YOUR Local Action Group – Public Engagement Events
The Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014:2020 will make a real difference to the lives of people living and working in rural areas. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development has earmarked £80 million (£70 million to Local Action Groups) to assist with the improvement of the local rural economy, job creation and tackling poverty.
For this to be truly effective it must be implemented under the guidance and direction of local people who know at first hand the challenges,
desires and needs of their local areas. This is known as the LEADER approach, an EU wide initiative that will give local people a real opportunity to get involved and have their say in the delivery of a local development strategy.
Now is YOUR chance to get involved as the process of establishing new Local Action Groups (LAGs) gets underway.
In order to ensure full representation of local opinion, membership of each LAG will be unlimited and will be open to anyone aged 18 or over interested in improving their local area and community. From this membership a LAG Board will be drawn which will also comprise of a mix of appointed and elected representatives, supported by a staff team to be hosted by the local council.
We would be delighted if you could attend one of YOUR local information events (leaflet attached). Events are open to everyone within the
community. Please feel free to bring along a friend, family member and/or promote locally within any groups, organisations you may be involved with.
Events will give you an opportunity to learn more about the new Rural Development Programme, the LEADER approach and how local people can help shape the future direction and priorities within their area.
For more information please contact the Rural Network for Northern Ireland on 028 8676 6980 or visit