Protect Your Business From Flooding
Draw up a flood plan
A good flood plan ensures that you are well prepared in case of flooding. By taking action to prepare for flooding your business can save between 20 and 90 per cent on the cost of lost stock and movable equipment.
A flood plan is a written document that outlines how your business will respond to a flood. If a flood is imminent, your main priority must be to make sure that your employees are safe. You should review and update your plan annually.
As a minimum, your business flood plan should include:
- a list of important contacts including your insurance company, key customers and suppliers, Flood Incident Line and evacuation contacts for staff
- a map showing locations of key equipment and where to shut off electricity and other services
- what you will do to protect your property and minimise business disruption
- key procedures for employees
You can read guidance on preparing for a flood on the NI Direct website.
For more information, see the page on plan how you’ll deal with an emergency in nibusinessinfo‘sĀ guide to crisis management and business continuity planning.