Harnessing Creativity Project Coordination of Showcase : Exhibition, Tour & Seminar 2015
Background information: Harnessing Creativity Project overview
INTERREG IVA Theme: Priority 1: Co-operation for a more prosperous Cross Border Region- Enterprise Theme
“Harnessing Creativity connects the creative and business talent of Counties Leitrim, Fermanagh and Tyrone, with the aim of revitalising this border region economically in a way that can be replicated elsewhere in Europe”.
200 creative-sector businesses with talents ranging from architecture to film, design to photography, music to creative applications of technology are benefiting from the project, alongside 100 small to medium businesses in the broader economy. This project encourages new thinking across the creative and broader business sectors, and aims to facilitate the effective harnessing of creativity for economic vibrancy in the region. It will do this by orchestrating a three stage model, of creative thinking, showcasing, and product development.
Through business support training, mentoring and master classes, events and exhibitions, the region’s prodigious creative talent will hone its business skills, develop new and innovative products, and showcase the region at its creative and commercial best. Creative professionals can gain from the business thinking and product development experience of participants from the business community, these in turn can benefit from the fresh and creative approach brought by creative practitioners. The Harnessing Creativity Project was launched in March 2013 and will run until June 30th 2015, new thinking stimulated and the new connections forged through the project should run and run well into the future.
The project is delivered by the Leitrim Local Enterprise in partnership with the Irish Central Border Area Network (ICBAN), Leitrim County Council, Fermanagh District Council, Omagh Enterprise Agency, Tyrone Donegal Partnership and the Leitrim Design House. The Harnessing Creativity Project has received €799,880 in funding through the European Union’s INTERREG IVA programme and is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) under the Cross Border EU INTERREG IVA Programme under Theme 2.1 (Enterprise).
Harnessing Creativity has four clear objectives:
- To strengthen the innovative and competitive vitality of creative sector businesses –provide direct support to the creative sector to generate new ideas and gain better business skills.
- To build capacity for effective networking and joint projects between creative sector businesses-Bring representatives of the creative economy into closer working contact with those of broader business, whether that be manufacturing, tourism, services etc.
- To build stronger collaboration and co-creation with broader economic sectors to harness creativity in product innovation and encourage cross-sectoral business projects –To demonstrate what is possible this might apply to the way creative businesses ‘re-invent’ themselves and their skills to move out of declining sectors of the economy and find new more vibrant ways to use their skills.
- To promote creative thinking for innovation in the region and promote the region as a centre of creativity and distinct cultural and natural resources –To use the project as a promotional tool for the region as a creative region, with the potential to attract tourism and influence inward investment / re-location decisions. •To create spaces in which this creative thinking can happen before channelling the results into more focused products, processes or experiences in the economy.
Harnessing Creativity has a strong vision and ethos based on a belief in the value and potential of creativity. It aims to catalyse a creative economy to make a significant impact in the region at a time when confidence and economic vibrancy are low. By ‘creative’ economy we mean one that is informed by creative thinking, which supports innovation and the generation of ideas. Such an economy needs the creative sector and wider business participants to work collaboratively with one another as freely as possible.
Speaking at the project’s launch, the twice Oscar-nominated Cathal Gaffney described the projects as ‘a brilliant example of networking creativity with business, where left brain meets right brain, and where the creative and economic potential of the border counties is harnessed. These partnerships will put a focus on the abundant talent in this region and will ultimately be a catalyst to create jobs.’ Harnessing Creativity has a website which provides information on project activities – www.harnessingcreativity.eu
Background information: Role of Showcase Coordinator relates to activities under HC project Objective 4: to promote creative thinking for innovation in the region and promote the region as a centre of creativity and distinct cultural and natural resources.
4.2 Organise and promote concept showcase events and associated smaller profiling events:
- Coordinate and promote Creative Labs Concept Exhibition & associated smaller profiling events ( x 3) Expanded Territories 2013 included the following ancillary events – 4 x 3 hr workshops with MAKESHOP- Science Gallery Dublin and an evening outdoor cinema screening promoting young filmmakers from the Northwest region) to take place in the first quarter of 2015;
- Coordinate the programme/content and promotion of a Showcase Seminar with the Broad theme ‘Creativity & Enterprise’ (for information see cycle 1 programme for Showcase Seminar-“Beyond Territories”)
- Liaise with the exhibition curator to ensure clarity on the overall vision for the Exhibition touring and Seminar – a minimum of five concepts per Lab to be exhibited as part of the exhibition, at least 15 concepts showcased.
- Organise & promote Creative Labs Concept Exhibition tour to 3 additional venues inside and outside of the region in 2015.
- Promotion to meet project targets: minimum 800 people attend the main exhibition and showcase events, 450 to attend the touring venues, 20 key opinion leader/buyers are targeted for communication of key messages about the region and at least 10 visit showcase events.
The Harnessing Creativity project would encourage where possible the use of a full range of content mediums- web, imagery, film/animation, large group/ small group /panel debates.
Specific information on this service
These Terms of Reference (TOR) outline the service required for event coordination during the 2015 phase of the project for the Showcase Exhibition, the Showcase Conference and the Touring Exhibition. (Workplan activities 4.2 and 4.3)
The Harnessing Creativity (HC) project team will select a service provider to deliver the below service in an effective and timely manner. *See copy of program for Showcase Event 2013 attached
Liaison with HC PROJECT TEAM |
The service provider will:
The service provider will:
The service provider will in conjunction with the Curator and Project Team:
The service provider will in conjunction with the Project Team:
The service provider will, in conjunction with the Project Team:
The service provider will:
There is an upper total contract limit for delivery of the service of: €7,500
Timeframe for service delivery: The key dates/deadlines to consider are
November 2014 |
November 2014 |
November 2014 |
February/March 2015 |
End March 2015 |
All the above dates are indicative and may be subject to change.
Content of offers
Offers will be submitted in the form of 1. a technical offer and 2. a financial offer.
- The financial offer will be an all-inclusive price in Euro for delivery of the service. The price will be inclusive of VAT and take into account:
- The technical offer will outline in clear and concise language the service provider’s proposal for delivery of the service described in these terms of reference, and will contain:
- Understanding of the brief
- Methodology
- fees and any related social security, tax obligations, etc.
- any travel and subsistence or indirect costs necessary for the successful delivery of the service
Please quote your total price and provide your complete contact details.
The total price quoted (inclusive of VAT) will have a weight of 10% of the overall tender assessment.
Assessment of offers
Each offer will be assessed against the following technical quality and financial criteria:
Technical Quality Criteria | |
Understanding of the requirements / brief | 45% |
Methodology | 45% |
Financial Criteria | |
Total all-inclusive price | 10% |
The offer with the highest overall score will be selected to deliver the service. In the event of a tie, where more than one of the offers assessed receive the highest score, the service providers concerned will be invited to an interview to present their offer.
Contractual Terms
- These Terms of Reference (TOR) and the corresponding offer of tender from the successful service provider will constitute the contractual terms for delivery of the service. An exchange of letters will confirm the contract.
- The successful service provider will be asked to provide a tax clearance certificate or similar declaration upon acceptance of the service.
- Any addenda to the contractual terms e.g. change of individuals/team for delivery, change in deliverables, timetable, etc, will be agreed with the HC project team through an exchange of letters.
- The contract may be discontinued if at any point the service provider does not deliver the service in line with the agreed contractual terms and any subsequent addenda. Any payment due upon discontinuation of the contract, related to work already carried out, will be based on an estimate percentage in line with those contractual terms.
Payment Terms
- Payments will be made in up to four instalments (each 25% of total contract value) based on successful implementation of work as per the agreed contractual terms and upon submission of a correct invoice.
- The total of all invoices will not exceed the total all-inclusive price quote.
- Payments will be made by bank transfer within 30 days of receipt of a correct invoice.
Intellectual Property Rights
All design, deliverables and copyrights developed specifically for delivery of this service will be the property of Leitrim Local Enterprise Office, the lead beneficiary of the project. Any training course, master class or speech/presentation content will be the property of the trainer, tutor or speaker.
Leitrim Local Enterprise Office may allow the use of material developed for the purpose of delivery of this service, after the contract has ended, subject to written agreement.
Requests for clarification on the tender
Requests for clarification on this tender must be submitted in writing no later than 03rd November 2014. Please send your requests by e-mail to orla@leitrimenterprise.ie. Any clarifications will be responded to by 05th November 2014.
Submission of offers
Tenders must be submitted by post or hand. In either case, they must be received at the premises of the ‘Harnessing Creativity Project, The Hive, Dublin Road, Carrick on Shannon, Co Leitrim’ no later than Wednesday 12th November 2014.
Offers must be marked:
‘Harnessing Creativity Project: Coordination of Showcase : Exhibition, Tour & Seminar 2015’
Postal Address:
Anna-Marie O’Rourke
Harnessing Creativity Project Coordinator
The Hive,
Dublin Road,
Carrick on Shannon,
County Leitrim
There should not be any identifying markings on external envelope to identify bidders.
Please provide one original and one unbound copy of the offer of tender.
In case of delivery by courier/by hand, please note that the Harnessing Creativity Project Office is in the Hive which is located on the Eastern (Jamestown / Drumsna) side of Carrick at the first roundabout coming into the town via the N4.(Close to Aldi Supermarket and Esquires Coffee House) Please send an email to orla@leitrimenterprise.ie or call + 353 71 9620450 if directions are needed.