Fibre Broadband – Have You Got It Yet?

What advantages can superfast broadband offer to your business?

A robust, reliable internet connection is important for most people these days – but none more so than business owners.

From email and data storage, through VoIP phone systems and video conferencing, to social media, customer sales and a whole host of other key business activities – running a business without an internet connection today would be challenging, if not entirely impossible.

Research has shown that take up and use of new technologies, such as fibre optic broadband, can increase revenue and reduce operating costs for businesses in most industry sectors.

What is fibre broadband?

Superfast fibre broadband uses the latest fibre optic technology, known as fibre to the cabinet (FTTC), to provide faster, more reliable internet speeds by replacing a section of the copper network with superfast fibre optic cable.

Fibre broadband can achieve download speeds of up to 80 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 20 Mbps, allowing you to do more online at the same time

With superfast broadband, business users can:

  • upload photos, video files and complex graphics to the internet in seconds
  • carry out bandwidth-hungry tasks simultaneously
  • enjoy high quality voice and HD video calls over the internet
  • download web pages with no waiting around
  • improve their company’s web presence to win new business online
  • work remotely with greater efficiency and employee satisfaction
  • integrate their voice and data networks
  • improve information sharing and customer service
  • get prepared for the future, eg rising demand for video and online content

You can learn what fibre broadband did for other businesses on the NI Broadband website.

Superfast Broadband Northern Ireland

Superfast Broadband NI, a network supported by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, has been rolled out across Northern Ireland making fibre broadband available in over 90 per cent of locations.

Fibre broadband is available on an ‘open access’ basis – meaning that a range of internet service providers (ISPs) are using the network to offer their services – giving you a choice of suppliers and packages that are best suited for your circumstances.

Find out if you can get Superfast Broadband, and from which ISP, on the NI Broadband website.


Did you know you can get Superfast Broadband at Omagh Enterprise? For more information, click here.