Diversification Challenge – Business Start Programme at the Newtownstewart Centre 2000
Who is it for?
Farmers and farm family members who are planning a new farm diversification business.
What does it involve?
- Group training workshops on planning for a new business
- One-to-one business planning mentor support with a Rural Enterprise Adviser
- Business networking opportunities
When and where is it taking place?
The course will start of Thursday 6th February in the Newtownstewart Centre 2000 and run for 6 consecutive Thursday nights from 7.30 – 9.30pm.
What will it help you to do?
- Produce a business proposal
- Assess the potential viability of your business idea
- Research the market
- Set a price for your product or service
- Consider the resources and legislation required to produce your product or provide
your service - Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
For more information or to register for a place on the course please contact Mark Poots on 028 4461 8082 / 07585975742 or by email to mark.poots@dardni.gov.uk