Success Through STEM Seminar
Are you getting the balance right? STEM businesses are invited to attend a seminar addressing good practice and gender balance in STEM industries
In Northern Ireland some employers where Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills are required are experiencing difficulty recruiting and retaining enough staff with the required level of qualifications and skills.
In addition, the STEM Business Subgroup highlights that STEM posts constitute over 11 per cent of the workforce with men outnumbering women by nearly three to one.
Following extensive research and feedback from industry, the Success through STEM Strategy includes a recommendation to address the issue of gender bias, particularly the disparity between on the one hand the Physical Sciences and Engineering and on the other Life Sciences.
STEM seminar
Following on from Chief Executive seminars in April and May, the STEM Business Subgroup and the Equality Commission are now inviting Human Resource Managers from STEM businesses to attend a seminar which will further address these issues.
The aim of the seminar is to engage further with businesses, share best practice and identify additional steps that business can take to make careers in the STEM industries more attractive.
The seminar will benefit those businesses attending by increasing awareness of the STEM sectors and highlighting the availability and attractiveness of employment opportunities in the industry, with an overall aim of supporting STEM businesses to grow and contribute fully to the local economy.
This seminar is taking place on Wednesday 26 June 2013, from 12.00 to 14.00 in Malone House, Belfast. Light refreshments will be served.
Confirm attendance
If you would like to attend one of these seminars, you can download the invitation to STEM businesses (DOC, 257K), complete and return it to Frances Nugent at the Equality Commission by emailing