Invitation to Creative Industries Seminar

Innovation Omagh is to host a ‘Creative Industries’ Seminar at the Strule Arts Centre on 1 March 2013. This will be a follow up event to the ‘What is Innovation’ Seminar held in January and is part of a series of new business support events organised by Omagh District Council through the Innovation Omagh Programme.

The focus of the Seminar is to raise awareness of the Creative Industry Sector within the Omagh District by highlighting the support available to businesses in the Crafts, Design, Software Development, Publishing, Film and Animation sectors.

Participants will avail of the knowledge and expertise of Dr. Justin Magee, Senior Lecturer in Product Design at the Magee Campus of the University of Ulster and a local community group called ‘Omagh Craft Collective’, founded in 2011 to support and promote the wealth of creative talent that is located in the Omagh District.

This highly successful Programme is part funded by Invest NI and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the EU Sustainable Competitiveness Programme for NI 2007-13

WHEN: 1 March 2013 @ 12.30pm – 2.00pm
WHERE: Strule Arts Centre

To reserve your place, please contact the Business Innovation Coordinator on

tel: 079 7166 0521