COVID-19 Response Webinar Series: Job Retention Scheme
Part of Invest Northern Ireland’s COVID-19 Response Webinar Series.
Under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, UK employers are encouraged to access Government support to continue paying part of their employees’ salary for those employees that would otherwise have been laid off during this crisis.
Employment law specialists A&L Goodbody will deliver an hour-long live webinar on the UK Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS). They will discuss details of the Scheme, key considerations and concerns, and how and when businesses can access the support. They will also provide an overview of the Self-employment Income Support Scheme and other tax deferral measures and will be available to take your questions.
- Job Retention Scheme overview – who is eligible and who is not o Key business concerns and considerations when looking at the JRS
- Furloughing workers and what you need to do as an employer
- Self-employment Income Support Scheme and tax deferral measures
- Alternative options and the support available
- Further information, useful sources, online resources
- Questions
- Rodney McMullan, Invest Northern Ireland
- Gareth Walls, Partner, A&L Goodbody
- Jonathan Simpson, Associate, A&L Goodbody