Regeneration Scheme to Focus on Town Centre Streets

A major regeneration scheme is set to revitalise three of Omagh’s busiest streets.

Funding of £277,000 has been received from the Department for Communities and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council for the scheme focusing on High Street, Market Street and Georges Street.

The project will include shop front improvements and a ‘Bags for Life’ initiative to promote shopping in the town centre and follows discussions with local traders to help find ways of stimulating business by enhancing the local environment.

Pauline Campbell from the Department for Communities said the revitalisation project would sustain and enhance the natural, built and cultural heritage of the town centre.

“It will regenerate three faded streets which include dilapidated properties and it will also add to the retail environment and improve connectivity with John Street, Bridge Street, Old Market Place and Campsie which have also recently undergone revitalisation schemes.

“It is anticipated that the scheme will help stimulate business and increase footfall and is further demonstration of the Department’s commitment to our town centres.”
