Employing People With Disabilities: Event For Hospitality And Catering Businesses
Equality Commission event to help employers understand the legal considerations when employing someone with a disability
How can people with disabilities contribute to your hospitality or catering business? The Equality Commission are running a workshop for a small number of private sector employers which will highlight the lawful steps you can take to employ people with disabilities.
The event will also hear from employers who have already done it and people with disabilities who are now using their training and experience to contribute to catering and hospitality businesses.
Event details
Date: Thu 28 Nov
Time: 8:30-10:30am
Venue: The Bobbin Café, Belfast City Hall
Cost: Free
Register to attend by emailing Louise McGregor: lmcgregor@equalityni.org or Heather Wilson: hwilson@equalityni.org.
Employing people with disabilities: hospitality & catering.