Have Your Say on Decision Support Tools for Permanent Grassland
AgriSearch and AFBI are holding a series of farmer and industry workshops to review the existing provision of decision support tools for permanent grassland and to consider what further tools should be developed.
This is being held as part of a Europe-wide Research Project into Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies (SUPER-G).
The aim of the workshops is to evaluate the existing decision support tools for each farming system and land type which ‘measure to manage’ productivity, profitability and the delivery of ecosystem services and identify gaps.
They will challenge farmers and other key stakeholders to identify their future needs and requirements that will maximise future adoption of decision support tools.
AgriSearch and AFBI are holding a series of workshops for each farming type:
- Dairy farmers – Tuesday, October 29 at 11am at AFBI, Hillsborough
- Lowland beef and sheep farmers – Tuesday, October 29 at 7.30pm at AFBI, Hillsborough
- Advisors, trade and industry – Tuesday, January 7 at 10am at AFBI, Hillsborough
- Hill/SDA farmers (east) – Tuesday, January 7 at 7.30pm at Tullyglass Hotel, Ballymena
- Hill/SDA farmers (west) – Thursday, January 9 at 7.30pm at Silver Birch Hotel, Omagh
For further information and to register a place at any of the workshops visit the AgriSearch website www.agrisearch.org or contact Nicola Annett, email: nicola@agrisearch.org, telephone, 028 9268 1537.
Source: farminglife.com