Business Profile: Mannequins NI
Name: Amy Alexander
Company: Mannequins NI
Address: 28 Mullagharn Road, Omagh
Contact Details: 07821058382
Can you describe your business?
I am the only stockist of brand new, used and bespoke mannequins in Northern Ireland.
Why did you start your own business?
It just sort of happened, and I am a firm believer in the quote “everything happens for a reason.”
What are the best things about running your own business?
Meeting new people! …and also people’s faces when I tell them I sell mannequins!
What are the main challenges facing the business?
Opposition from overseas. But thankfully, I have very competitive rates #Supportlocal
What advice would you give to someone starting a business?
Do something you absolutely love and you will never work a day in your life.
Can you describe your experience of running a business in 3 words or less?
Fun, random, worthwhile.