Innovations in Pullet Rearing for the Commercial Egg Sector
Applications are invited for this Study Tour to Great Britain.
This two day study tour will focus on the latest technologies being adopted for rearing pullets for multi-tier commercial egg production systems.
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is offering pullet rearers the opportunity to travel to Great Britain to learn about modern pullet rearing. The study tour will visit a new farm in Yorkshire and include an evening of technical speakers from the commercial egg industry covering welfare housing, energy generation and bird health.
This study tour is part of the Farm Innovation Visits Scheme which is being delivered by DAERA’s College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). The tour will include a visit to a high welfare multi-tier rearing system utilising heat exchangers to ventilate the house.
The areas of innovation studied will include:
- air to air heat exchangers operation and benefits, including ammonia reduction
- manure belt aeration tubes
- winchable platforms and drinking lines
- management of a multi-rearing facility
- benefits of multi-tier rearing for the rearer and the commercial egg producer
The group will leave from Belfast International Airport on the morning of Thursday 10 October 2019 and return early evening on Friday 11 October 2019. The tour will be led by CAFRE Adviser, Claire Anderson.
Applications are invited from one member or employee of the farm business with at least 6000 pullets, who is over 18 years old on the application closing date and not in full-time education. To increase the benefits arising from the study tour, all applicants must identify a group of farmers to share their findings with upon their return. Ten places are available and these will be allocated on a competitive basis.
The Farm Innovation Visit Scheme, which is part of the NI Rural Development Programme and part funded by the EU, will cover the costs associated with setting up the visit, accommodation, travel outside of Northern Ireland, breakfast, lunch and evening meals when in Great Britain. Participants will be expected to meet any additional costs, including farm relief and travel insurance.
Pullet rearers who are interested in participating in this study tour can find out more details and complete an online application at the CAFRE website.
Applications open on Tuesday 17 September 2019 and close at 4.00pm on Tuesday 24 September 2019.