Business Profile: AMC Enhanced Detailing
Name: Amy Cox
Company: AMC Enhanced Detailing
Address: 97 Main Street, Beragh, BT79 O32
Contact details: 07849 848304
Can you describe your business?
AMC Enhanced Detailing provides intense detailing for vehicles bringing them back to showroom finish paintwork. We specialise in detailing packages which include the Mini Enhancement, Popular Enhancement, Ultimate Enchantment, One Stage Detail and Two Stage Detail. We take care of all vehicle preparation and cleaning. For anyone who has a passion for a clean vehicle AMC is the place for them.
Why did you start your own business?
I have always been interested in cars and have been involved in rallying from a young age. It just seemed like the natural line of business for me to start.
What are the best things about running your own business?
Being my own boss is definitely a highlight and being in control of my own diary allows me to be flexible with my free time also. Meeting new people and getting to work on cars all day is a highlight of running my own business. I feel a sense of pride when I do a good job for people.
What are the main challenges facing the business?
There is a lot of competition in the industry and that is one of the biggest challenges. In order to continue growing my business I have to constantly be giving 100 per-cent to every job in order to be considered for bookings. Keeping a presence on social media is also a challenge as platforms are constantly changing.
What advice would you give to someone starting a business?
Go with your instinct and absolutely believe in yourself!
You will know what you want more than anyone else and if you have a new idea don’t be afraid to run with it! Set clear goals that you want to achieve and take small steps every week to achieve them.
Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
Loving every minute!