Business Profile: The Koala Bear Lady
Name: Carrie-Anne Hunter
Company: The Koala Bear Lady
Address: 12 Castle Brae, Newtownstewart BT78 4AS
Contact details: 07588575824
Why did you start your own business?
To utilise my leadership qualities, skills and experience and enjoy a more parent friendly job (working hours wise!! can do the school run and not pay for child care). It felt like the right time now as I’m in mid 40’s.
What are the best things about running your own business?
Being able to work around the family’s schedule (with school runs etc) and being able to put ALL my skills to use in one place as the Koala Bear Lady. Knowing I have helped someone is wonderful.
What are the main challenges facing the business?
The ever changing nature of social media and constant updates are challenging however it’s the dynamism of digital media which makes it so fascinating.
What advice would you give to someone starting their own business?
Begin networking and seeking advice as early as possible. Take advantage of local groups like ‘Mums at work’ and Omagh Enterprise Company for guidance and encouragement.
Describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
Exhilarating, satisfying and rewarding.