Innovation And Enterprise Programme
Innovation and Enterprise Programme
Work is progressing on the development of the Innovation and Enterprise Programme which has received almost £2,373,000 funding under the Interreg IVA Programme.
The project which is being led by Omagh District Council and the partners are Omagh Enterprise Company, Leitrim County Council, Leitrim County Enterprise Board and Leitrim County Enterprise Fund.
The overall aim of the project is to develop innovative twin business workspace facilities in Omagh and Carrick-on-Shannon and to deliver business advisory services including specialist consultancy, mentoring and cross-border networking events.
Planning permission has been secured for the development of a 14,000 sq. ft. Innovation Growth Centre at a cost of £1,400,000 on the site of Omagh Business Complex. The building will provide high-spec accommodation for knowledge-based businesses and will have the most up to date communications infrastructure. The go ahead has also been given in the Republic for the development of a 7,500 sq. ft. Technology Enterprise Centre in Carrick-on-Shannon. The aim of the development is to provide purpose built technically focused business environments suitable for attracting high value companies and supporting the start up and growth of indigenous businesses.
As part of the overall programme two Innovation Officers have been recruited one in Omagh and one Leitrim who will provide assistance to new and existing businesses. The role of the Innovation Officers will be to oversee the development of the project and to advise and mentor tenant clients on innovation matters.
The project is funded through the SEUPB as part of the Multi Annual Plan for the central border area which was formulated by ICBAN in partnership with its member Councils.