Development Trust Model and Asset lead Regeneration
Thursday, 1st December, 10a.m. – 12 p.m., followed by a light lunch
Lisburn Enterprise Centre
Enterprise Crescent
Ballinderry Road
BT28 2BP
Development Trusts are community owned and led, cultivate enterprise, develop community assets, and can transform communities for good. Development Trusts are community enterprises working to create wealth in communities and keep it there.
The model of a Development Trust is not new; many here and in other countries have sought to tackle social injustice issues through enterprise. We believe the time could not be more right to promote sustainable community regeneration. We are hoping to have a Development Trust in every community who wants one.
Development Trusts work from the premise that regeneration can only really work if the people who are most affected by poverty and marginalisation are empowered and given the opportunity to steer, participate and help deliver the transformation of their Community. They operate in Urban and Rural settings, often in neighbourhoods that have experienced the worst economic decline: all have a defined sense of place.However, some development trusts have developed so that communities of interest and identity such as women, and people with disabilities can come together in a local area.
They are Community ‘anchor’ organisations, delivering services and facilities, finding solutions to local problems, and helping other organizations and initiatives succeed. Their activities include:proverty,land and community ‘asset development; managed workspace; community businesses and economic development; arts and culture industries; sports and leisure facilities;tourism;retail and market space; town centre management; sustainable building products and restoration; environmental improvement; renewable energy;housing;community transport; young peoples projects;education;employment skills and training; information services; crime prevention; health centres;countryside management; and horticultural and agricultural.
Numbering over 500 in theUK, development trusts make profits through trading; and securing, building and managing assets for their communities such as buildings, land and equipment. Their profits are not for private benefit or gain; rather they are used to create a lasting impact on the renewal and improvement of their locality.
In order to be financially sustainable, they aim to avoid over-dependence on a single funder, and also aim to reduce dependence on grant aid in the long term.However; they recognise that poor communities there may be a continued need to receive public or charitable investment.
Development Trusts Northern Ireland are running a series of seminars, funded by Building Change Trust, to try and influence policy change regarding community asset transfer. We have drawn together a range of experts fromScotlandandEnglandwho have practical experience of working within communities as they become more sustainable and resilient, support better community services, and strengthen local accountability as they build an asset base.
The Seminar is planned for 1st December 2011, and we invite you to come along and meet with practitioners from within the Development Trust movement inEngland, the Asset Transfer Unit, local practitioners, civil servants and local government representatives to discover more about the Development Trust Model Community Asset Transfer and how we tackle Social Justice throughEnterprise.