Power NI “Face to Face” Event – Thursday 17th November 2011
Power NI in partnership with Omagh Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to a “Face to Face” business lunch on Thursday 17th November 2011 at 12.00pm to 2pm in the Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh.
Alan Egner, Business Sales & Marketing Manager from Power NI, sees this event as an excellent opportunity for Power NI to network with local businesses face to face and promote Power NI (the new name for NIE Energy) to their many existing and potential new customers.
Energy prices have risen recently and with winter looming Power NI are keen to offer Omagh Chamber of Commerce members free expert advice on how to cut costs and save money. They will be joined by a leading local lighting supplier to explain how you can take advantage of energy saving LED lighting, which is the future of lighting in homes and businesses. The short presentation and lighting demonstration will be followed by a question and answer session. Guests will also have the chance to win an energy saving monitor and get a free energy saving lamp.
You will also be presented with information packs from Power NI, outlining the practical ways the local energy provider can help customers save energy in their businesses.
This event is also a great opportunity to network with other local business people in the Omagh area.
This event is complimentary and if you would like to promote this event to a business colleague please do.
If you would like to attend please book your place by contacting Elaine on the details below.
Telephone: 028 8224 9494
Mobile: 07734389484
Email: admin@omaghchamber.com
Website: http://www.omaghchamber.com/