Business Profile: Fit For Life & Club Energy

Name: Noreen McDermott
Business: Fit For Life & Club Energy
T: (028) 8224 7117

Business Profile: Fit For Life & Club Energy

Can you describe your business?

Fit for Life & Club Energy is a private health and fitness club in Omagh. We have a fully equipped gym and offer a wide range of fitness classes for people of all ages and abilities.

Why did you start your own business?

I’ve always worked in the fitness industry and always wanted to open my own business but like all business owners I was a bit apprehensive about taking the financial risk. Deep down I knew it would work. In December 2006 I opened Fit For Life Personal Training and from then the business has went from strength to strength with an expansion and a move to new premises in February 2013.

What are the best things about running your own business?

  • Seeing people achieve their results.
  • Being able to make your own decisions.
  • Providing a service that benefits peoples health.

What are the main challenges facing the business?

I suppose everyday has its challenges but everything works out in the end. I always think that if you didn’t have the odd challenge you wouldn’t try as hard to make your business successful.

What advice would you give to someone starting a business?

Go For It! If you have done your homework and you have the passion and commitment then, what are you waiting for? Be prepared to work very hard. You will work way beyond your business hours. There will be lots good days but do be prepared to have a few bad days too!

Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?

Rewarding. Hard-work. Challenging.