A Few New Year Marketing Resolutions to Ensure 2016 Outperforms 2015
When it comes to marketing for the New Year, companies forget they need to take a step back in order to take a few steps forward. What does this mean? It means businesses must be able to critically examine their work from years past before they’re able to make good marketing resolutions for the future.
Many businesses are in the money making zone; they forget what it’s like to be a consumer. Think critically as your customer… What would you improve about your business? What do you want to see from marketing strategies (more coupons, more contests, less direct mailers)? If this is difficult for you, consider surveying your customers. Ask your customers directly because their responses are going to help you paint a clear picture of the resolutions you should make in 2016. Engaging your customer is the purpose of any marketing strategy.
Here’s some ideas for a New Year in marketing, many of which can help ensure 2016 is your best year to date:
Be Memorable with Eye-Catching Packaging
Okay, so brown boxes are inexpensive and cost efficiency is a good thing; however, imagine if a small investment into creative packaging could cause repeat business? Your bottom line would increase, and the small investment would be worth it. Look to companies specializing in creative packaging, such as custom made boxes by Custom Boxes Now, to save money and ensure the packaging is memorable.
Here’s an idea: make your packaging holiday or seasonal. Around the holidays, especially, this packaging will be impactful and memorable. Being memorable is a priceless commodity, and ensures repeat business. It helps to create a brand, and once you’ve established a known brand you can almost guarantee ongoing success.
Renew Your Target Audience
You’re thinking, but, I already built my target audience. No. Stop. You should renew your target audience the same way you renew resolutions – Every. Single. Year.
Go over last year’s data. Notice any patterns? These patterns paint a picture of who your customer is, and should provide you with information about who to target. If the outcome is the same as last year, great. If it’s different, you’ll need to change your strategy. Either way, you should review your target audience year after year. You can’t build a successful marketing campaign without knowing your customer first.
Send Mailers that Won’t End Up in the Trash
People hate junk mail, so the secret to a successful direct mail campaign is to send mailers people want to hold onto. This could include a valuable coupon or offer. In general, you should use the information you have on them (target audience data) to create a mailer that grabs their attention, and connects with them on their level.
Be creative, colorful, and add seasonal cheer, such as holiday themes and colors. Be bright, bold, and fun. A bland, dreary, plainly colored mailer isn’t going to grab anyone’s attention; nor will boring language. You need a talented copywriter to push sales and motivate readers. If you want consumer attention, you should have something to offer, and also be willing to get silly or funny. Give them a reason to shop with you (coupons, promos, etc.), and give them a reason to not forget you (be funny).
Branch Out on Social Media
So, you’ve already got a Facebook and Twitter. Why not make 2016 the year you embrace another social media channel, such as Snapchat? Interacting directly with your customers is a great way to get attention.
Take part in your community (whether in person or online). It’s a great way to market your business, how what you have to offer, and build personal relationships. No matter your demographic, reaching out with photos and commentary builds a network of loyal customers.
Source: smallbusinesscan.com