National Women`s Enterprise Day in Portlaoise

The National Women’s Enterprise Day aims to inspire, activate and assist women across Ireland in running their own business.

The next National Women’s Enterprise Day is on 16th and 17th November 2011 at Portlaoise Heritage Hotel, Co Laois.

The County and City Enterprise Boards host this annual event including conference, networking, exhibition and mentoring clinics to mark National Womens Enterprise Day.

The 2011 NWED Brochure is now available to download here


2010 National Womens Enterprise Day

300 women in business participated in last years National Women’s Enterprise Day, helping to put the success stories of Irish female entrepreneurs into the spotlight.

Speaking after the conference, Eamon Ryan from Limerick City Enterprise Board highlighted the growing importance of ‘business to business’ networking, especially amongst female entrepreneurs. “For anyone starting a business, making new contacts, finding new suppliers or identifying potential clients is critical for business success and that’s where networking comes in.” He added: “If you’re already in business or looking to set one up, as a starting point you need to find out what enterprise supports are available to you. We’re encouraging all entrepreneurs, and female entrepreneurs in particular, to seek assistance from us around mentoring, training and networking.”

National Women’s Enterprise Day is co-funded by the European Social Fund with support from the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, through the Equality for Women Measure. The contact details for all County and City Enterprise Boards are available at

What is the National Women’s Enterprise Day about?

This event offers support to women already in business and those thinking of starting out providing the opportunity to meet and avail of enterprise support. 

This event is hosted by the County & City Enterprise Boards (CEBs) and funded under the National Development Plan (NDP) Gender Equality Division in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and funded by the European Social Fund and the Irish Exchequer.
