Attitude to Investment Survey Closing Date Extended
There is still time for farmers and growers to help identify investment needs on farms as the Attitude to Investment survey’s closing date has been extended to Wednesday 29th November.
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) launched the online survey last month to help gauge the readiness of agricultural and horticultural businesses in Northern Ireland to invest in new capital equipment and infrastructure while seeking information on any challenges and barriers.
Alison Chambers, DAERA’s Director of Sustainable Agri-food Development said: “The deadline has been extended to allow farmers and growers who have not yet completed the survey a little more time to get involved.
“Capital Investment Measures are an important element of our new Farm Support and Development programme, and I would encourage all agricultural and horticultural producers to take this opportunity to provide information on challenges and barriers facing the industry.”
The survey is completely anonymous, and information gathered will only be used to inform the development of Capital Investment Measures under the new Farm Support and Development programme.
The survey is available on the DAERA website. The revised closing date for survey responses is Wednesday 29th November.