Online Survey Engagement Launched
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (FODC) has appointed KPMG to assist in preparing a Place Shaping Plan for Omagh.
Place Shaping looks at how we can make our communities stronger and more resilient in the future through understanding what we have in terms of assets, ie our buildings, our green spaces, our brownfield sites, our skills & knowledge, our community groups, and our public services. We want to build on our history, our strategic geographic and economic location; our tourism potential to secure a sustainable social, economic and physical regeneration.
As part of this process, KPMG are engaging with you! We want to hear from the public, from our community and voluntary organisations, from our sports, leisure & cultural organisations as well as from our local businesses, property owners and representatives from statutory agencies and government departments to agree the aspirations, direction and proposals for Omagh.
What do you want to see in an Omagh Place Shaping Plan?
What do you think would make Omagh a better place to live, a better place to work, a better place to shop, a better place to visit, a better place to enjoy?
Your participation in this survey will help inform and guide the development of the Omagh Place Shaping Plan to 2035, the overall vision and the key actions and outcomes to make that vision a reality.
The surveys are only the first step in an extensive 30-week process; check back here for regular updates on progress and open workshops to further input into developing this Place Shaping Plan for Omagh.
All responses to these surveys are anonymous unless you would like to leave your name for further follow up / participation.
Please choose the relevant survey as below:
- Take part in the Business Survey
- Take part in the Public Survey
- Take part in the Community & Voluntary Sector Survey
Engagement Drop In Sessions:
Location | Time | Date |
CKS Community Centre | 3pm – 5pm | 14 March 22 |
Strule Arts Centre | 7pm – 9pm | 14 March 22 |
Hospital Road Community Centre | 3pm – 5pm | 15 March 22 |
Strathroy Community Centre | 7pm – 9pm | 15 March 22 |
Survey Closes: 24 March 2022
Data Protection Notice – Please note the following:
This survey is delivered by KPMG on behalf of FODC. For further information on how your data will be processed, please refer to – Privacy | Fermanagh and Omagh District Council –
By participating in this survey you are consenting to KPMG processing your personal data on behalf of FODC. KPMG will not use your data for any other purpose.
Please choose the relevant survey as below:
Take the Business Survey Take the Public Survey Take the CVS Survey
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