Business Profile: Active Physio NI

Name: Ciara Devery
Business: Active Physio NI
Address: 1b Glenpark Road, Omagh
Contact: 07578859017

Can you describe your business?

Active Physio is a Chartered Physiotherapy Practice that specialises in Musculoskeletal problems and Pelvic Health issues. We offer treatment for joint and soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, back, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis and so much more!! Unique to Tyrone we also offer a comprehensive service for women and men who are experiencing bladder or bowel issues such as overactive bladder, frequency, urgency, incontinence and prolapse.

Active Physio offers the ONLY physio-led pessary fitting service in Northern Ireland; and I also have specialist training in treating male incontinence post prostate surgery.

Finally our Mummy Matters! Post-natal Check is a comprehensive assessment for all new (and not so new mums) to assess pelvic floor strength, tummy muscles and advise on return to sport and exercise such as running. Check out to learn more about the approach we take to ensure a better result for you.

Why did you start your own business?

I have always worked in the Public Health Service but felt that as my kids reached school age that the time was right to take the plunge! I am also incredibly passionate about improving access to Pelvic Health physiotherapy. 1 in 3 women suffer from incontinence and 1 in 2 have prolapse so there is a huge need. Treatment is very effective – so I really wanted to improve awareness and access to the services that are available.

What are the best things about running your own business?

Having time with my patients!! I love being able to offer the very highest level of service and seeing my clients improve is so satisfying. Running my own clinic also allows me to work around my family –which is a great bonus.

What are the main challenges facing the business?

Having enough hours in the day! Due to the level of demand we are looking to expand moving to our new premises in Gortnagarn will allow this to happen. More staff will mean increased appointment availability.

What advice would you give to someone starting a business?

Go for it! But be prepared to work extremely hard. I have to say though – when you love what you do it doesn’t feel like work!

Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
