DAERA Information Events – Agri-Food Business Preparations for a Potential No Deal EU Exit
Information sessions are being held across Northern Ireland to help agri-food businesses or traders who export or import, to prepare for a no deal Brexit.
The sessions, hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), and supported by INVEST NI, HMRC and the Food Standards Agency (FSA), aim to help business understand the changes and new regulations they will face after 31 October 2019.
DAERA is encouraging business to urgently register for the workshops to secure their place as interest is expected to be high.
The events will take place as follows:
- 12 September 2019 – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm – Tullyglass Hotel, 178 Galgorm Road, Ballymena BT42 1HJ
- 17 September 2019 – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm – Silverbirch Hotel, 5 Gortin Road, Omagh BT79 7DH
- 24 September 2019 – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm – Tullyglass Hotel, 178 Galgorm Road, Ballymena BT42 1HJ
- 1 October 2019 – 10.00 am – 4.00 pm – Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, Oxford Island, Craigavon BT66 6NJ
Find out more on the DAERA website.
Each event will include a series of presentations which will run at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 3pm at each event. In addition, a number of information ‘stands’ will also be available throughout the day to provide supplementary tailored advice.
Areas covered will include:
- Exports/imports;
- Export health certificates including live animals/products of animal origin, (milk, meat, fish, eggs)/animal by-products;
- Plant health;
- Environmental management (waste and water);
- Food hygiene, standards, labelling and composition;
- Business advice and support on EU exit preparedness and
DAERA Director of Brexit Contingency Planning Derek Williamson says:“It is crucial that businesses are prepared for EU Exit, (specifically a ‘no deal’ exit) on 31 October 2019. There are new rules, processes and requirements that businesses will have to understand if they are to be able to trade with the EU. DAERA is therefore encouraging agri-food businesses to consider attending one of these events.
“The number of places and consultations at each event is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Consequently, businesses are encouraged to register as soon as possible.”
DAERA advises that those wishing to attend should respond by email to: EUExit@daera-ni.gov.uk confirming which event and presentation they wish to attend. DAERA staff will be happy to assist delegates with a disability or health condition who are attending this event and are encouraged to contact the number below to discuss specific needs.
Delegates who wish to avail of a ‘one to one’ consultation at any of the stands available you will need to book this separately by contacting 028 7744 2392. Booking will be available during normal office hours (9am-5pm) from 28 August to 18 September.
In the interim, information for agri-food businesses concerning a No Deal EU Exit can be found on the DAERA website.