Fermanagh and Omagh Council Area Urged To Check Postcodes for Broadband Investment
Businesses and residents in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area are being urged to check if their postcode is included on a list for broadband investment.
Funding has been made available for investment in ultrafast broadband in rural communities, but in order to progress the work the Department for the Economy needs to confirm all the postcodes currently unable to access 30 megabits per second (Mbps) broadband services.
A recent OFCOM report showed that 1 in 5 (19 per cent) premises in the Fermanagh and Omagh District cannot get decent broadband (10 megabits per second) – the worst in Northern Ireland.
Councillor Bernice Swift, chairperson of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s broadband working group said:
“We’re committed to ensuring that the Department for the Economy has the most accurate list of postcodes that contain premises currently unable to access 30 megabits per second broadband services in the district to ensure that investment in broadband reaches those areas most in need so that our residents and businesses can enjoy all the benefits and opportunities that reliable, good quality broadband can bring.”
The postcode lists can be found on the nidirect website or are available to view at council offices. If your postcode is not on the list and you are unable to access 30 megabits per second, people are asked to contact the Department for the Economy by telephoning 028 9052 9352 or email stratum@economy-ni.gov.uk.
All responses must be made to the department by 12 noon on January 14.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is urging residents and businesses to check if their postcode is included on a list for improvements to broadband before the deadline of 12 noon, Monday 14 January 2019.
Funding has been made available as a result of the Confidence and Supply Agreement for investment in ultrafast broadband in rural communities which could provide substantial enhancements to internet connectivity across Northern Ireland including the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area.
In order to progress the work The Department for the Economy wants to confirm that it has correctly identified all those postcodes that contain premises currently unable to access 30 megabits per second (Mbps) broadband services.
A recent OFCOM report showed that 1 in 5 (19%) premises in the Fermanagh and Omagh District cannot get decent broadband (10 megabits per second) – the worst in Northern Ireland.
Given the significant broadband deficiencies throughout the Fermanagh and Omagh District, the Council’s Broadband Working Group is keen to ensure that the data held by the Department for the Economy is an accurate reflection of broadband speeds across the district.
Councillor Bernice Swift, Chairperson of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Broadband Working Group said:
“We’re committed to ensuring that the Department for the Economy has the most accurate list of postcodes that contain premises currently unable to access 30 megabits per second broadband services in the district to ensure that investment in broadband reaches those areas most in need so that our residents and businesses can enjoy all the benefits and opportunities that reliable, good quality broadband can bring.”
The postcode lists can be found on the nidirect website or are available to view at Council offices at the Townhall and Intec Centre, Enniskillen and the Connect Centre and The Grange, Omagh.
If your postcode is not on the list and you are unable to access 30 megabits per second, please contact the Department for the Economy with the property address and postcode by telephoning 028 9052 9352 or email stratum@economy-ni.gov.uk.
All responses must be made to the Department for the Economy by 12 noon, Monday 14 January 2019.
Source: irishnews.com