Business Profile: NMG Safety

Name: Nuala Teague
Company: NMG Safety
Address: Omagh
Telephone: 07879 436436

Business Profile: NMG Safety

Can you describe your business?

NMG Safety is a consultancy firm that can assist both employers and companies alike to comply with their obligations under health and safety law. We specialise in the design, development and maintenance of health, safety and environmental programs suited to company needs. This includes company-specific health and safety policies, risk assessments, method statements and training needs for all industries such as hospitality, construction, manufacturing, industrial and agricultural.

Why did you start your own business?

Having worked for a number of companies as a health and safety manager for over 15 years, it was always my passion to start up my own business. Being my own boss allows me to manage my own time and control my own destiny.

What are the best things about running your own business?

Being a Mumpreneur! Have you heard of mumpreneurs… we are defined as a female business owner who actively balance the role of being a mum and running a business. I am a mother to three young children so having the flexibility to run my business and spend  quality time with the children is priceless.

What are the main challenges facing the business?

Securing work will always be a key challenge however with health and safety; one of the biggest challenges is getting employers and employees to buy into good health and safety practices and recognise the cost benefits of avoiding accidents in the workplace.

What advice would you give to someone starting a business?

Surround yourself with good advice and don’t dwell on the ‘what ifs’. Just go for it!

Can you describe your experience  of running a business in three words or less?

Reassuring; positive; worthwhile.