Chris Gallagher Sports Massage Therapy
Name: Chris Gallagher
Company: Chris Gallagher Sports Massage Therapy
Address: Raw Performance, 23D Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh
Contact details: 07751 480161
Can you describe your business?
My business is Sports Massage Therapy which is looking after the mind, body and soul. I am based in Raw Performance gym in Omagh. I have a varied clientele base from high-performance athletes, clients with disabilities, people who have office jobs and people who are on their feet all day long.
Why did you start your own business?
I started the business two years ago.
What are the best things about running your own business?
The best thing is the job satisfaction. When I start working with clients and helping them set goals and then seeing them achieve them. I enjoy demonstrating exercises for them to do at home to enhance their treatment.
What are the main challenges facing the business?
The main challenges are making sure the client takes the aftercare advice given and also getting across the importance of regular massage for prevention rather than cure and also getting the message across how important water and enough sleep is for your body.
What advice would you give to someone starting a business?
Have faith and confidence in yourself first and trust what you are doing. This will sell your business for you. I always tell my clients smile, dream, believe and achieve’, so this can apply to business too!
Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
Persistence prevails!