ICO Grants Programme 2018
Businesses invited to bid for grants to facilitate research into privacy and data protection issues and develop privacy enhancing solutions
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) have introduced this grants programme to promote good practice to support independent, innovative research and solutions focused on privacy and data protection issues.
Who can apply for this grant?
The ICO grants programme is open to academic institutions, civil society groups, trade and industry associations and organisations with a genuine commitment to public benefit outcomes.
How much is available?
A number of awards will be made each year of between £20,000 and £100,000.
What solutions are sought?
This year the ICO are seeking privacy by design or accountability solutions which focus on key privacy challenges and the privacy implications of new technologies. Examples of technologies the ICO are interested in include:
- big data
- artificial intelligence
- machine learning
- social scoring
- blockchain
- privacy challenges related to children and the internet
Proposals do not need to be technology based but must have practical application and provide real world solutions for the UK public and organisations.
Application deadline
Applications for the ICO grants programme funding round 2018/19 close at 5pm on Friday 17 August 2018.
Grants programme webinar
The ICO are hosting a webinar aimed at potential applicants and how to make the best of your application. The webinar takes place at 12pm on Tuesday 17 July 2018. Find further details on the grants programme webinar.
How to apply for the ICO grants programme
Find application form, full application guidance and FAQs on the ICO grants programme 2018.