Employer Engagement Event Focuses On Recruitment
Northern Ireland employers have the opportunity to voice their views on staff recruitment to local government departments
The Department for the Economy (DfE) and Department of Communities (DfC) are jointly hosting an employer engagement event on Wednesday 30 August 2017 to listen to views on recruitment.
The purpose of the event is to listen to views, experiences and expectations of employers when recruiting new staff. It is chance to share ideas on what works for your business when recruiting and how to upskill those applying for jobs including the unemployed, economically inactive and young people.
The event is aimed at all employers.
Event details
Date: Wednesday 30 August
Time: 9am-12:30pm (lunch at 12:30pm)
Venue: Seagoe Hotel, Portadown
How to register
Register for the event by 5pm on Wednesday 23 August by emailing Rachel.Blair@economy-ni.gov.uk.