Business Profile: Raw Media
Name: Sean McDonagh
Business: Raw Media
T: 07419847788
Can you describe your business?
We help increase your sales by delivering quality video and images for you to use in marketing your businesses on your website, Facebook, newspaper, flyers etc. We cover products, services, locations, events and real estate.
Why did you start your own business?
Photography and videography is something I’ve enjoyed doing since I was a teenager. I’ve learned a lot and gained recognition for my work while in Canada. I noticed that there’s a gap in the local market for commercial photographers, and after speaking to local web and media designers I learned that they often struggle to get visual content from their clients. Hearing this, I jumped at the opportunity to start doing something professionally that I’ve been working on for nearly 15 years while also helping local businesses get the photos and videos they need to take their business and marketing to the next level.
What are the best things about running your own business?
The best part for me is getting to work with great businesses and meet inspiring people doing what they love while holding the camera, which I love. Owning my own business also means that I have some control over my time, I take this opportunity to hone my skills and feed my passion by exploring new places and media techniques.
What are the main challenges facing the business?
Scheduling that professional development time. Though it is one of my favourite aspects of the business, it can be the most challenging to find time for. Experimenting with new equipment and editing software is increasingly important as technology is ever changing, if you don’t keep up, you risk being left behind.
What advice would you give to someone starting a business?
Self discipline will create space for balance. Keep track of your time and be efficient with it. Starting a business can consume every minute of your week if you let it. You may love your business, but it’s still important to recharge and take time for yourself, and the people around you.
Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
Exciting, Challenging, Rewarding