Brexit and the Central Border Region: Views from Rural Communities

Amid the uncertainty about the future of the UK’s relationship with the European Union, one thing is clear: the Irish border region will be most directly affected by Brexit.

With this in mind, ICBAN – the cross border group for the area known as the Central Border Region – together with a small team from Queen’s University Belfast are conducting a community engagement research project on the impacts of Brexit, with a particular emphasis on the opinions of rural communities in the Central Border Region of Ireland / Northern Ireland.

The project is non-political and non-partisan; we want to gather the views of local people whose voices otherwise tend not to be heard, therefore all the data from the survey and focus groups will be kept anonymous.

The results of this project will be compiled in a final project report, summarised in a blog and on We will ensure your voices are carried forward and brought to the attention of the governments of the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as the European Union.

10 Minute survey focusing on the Central Border Region areas of Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon; CavanDonegal; Fermanagh and Omagh; Leitrim; Mid UlsterMonaghan; and Sligo Survey opens 22 May 2017 and closes 30 June 2017