How to Stay Consistent with Your Blogging

We all have heard the importance of blogging. Some use it to build their personal brand. Some use it to generate leads. But everyone suffers the same fate… writer’s block and inconsistency.

This post is written to provide you tips in how to blog consistently and find ways to create content when you are out of ideas.

  1. Block out time to create content.

If you have a day job that starts at 8am, chances are you would wake up at 7am. I wake up at 6 am usually, now I wake up at 5.30am.

The last time I checked – it takes me around 30 minutes to churn out a blog post, edit it through and post it.

You have to block out time for content.

If you feel that waking up earlier wouldn’t make sense for you since you need whit noise to work and you are not a morning person, block out time on the weekends.

My schedule involves blocking out time on Sunday to create content for my Instagram, blog posts and Facebook.

  1. How to find what to write on?

Here are just a few suggestions:

Quora – type in the keywords for your niche e.g. cleaning and look for the most popular questions and write a blog post based on that.

BuzzSumo – type in keywords and you will find posts that get the most social shares. Read through the content and find more topics to blog about.

If you can afford it, put a job posting on sites such as to get freelance writers to write for you.

Here are a few things to specify in your job posting:

  • What industry you are in
  • They are supposed to come up with topics for you
  • Unique content (not posted anywhere else)
  • Length of post e.g. 1k to 2k words
  • How much you can afford
  • Ask for writing samples
  • Tone of article (casual or formal)

Side note: Do not pay more than $200 for a 2k word article or less than $50 (usually those around $50 are low quality)

Once you get the topics or headlines they come up with, approve it with the outline they sent you and schedule it on your site.

  1. Have an editorial calendar

This is very important. The purpose of a calendar is not just to schedule content but to have an idea for any new events (to be culturally in tune with your audience) or any product launches you are involved in.

Having a calendar helps you figure out what you should be writing about on which days/ weeks.

Take the time during the end of each week to see what is missing in your blog that would serve the current audience you already have e.g. SEO on Monday, social media on Wednesday, e-mail funnels on Friday.

You can use tools such as CoSchedule or simply WordPress plugins such as Editorial Calendar to get you started.

  1. Start small and ramp it up only if you can handle it

Don’t set yourself up with blogging everyday just because somebody told you that blogging daily is the way to go.

In the game of blogging, consistency is king.

It’s better to start with a number you can handle easily and slowly move forward.

Start with once a week. Once you get the process down, do 2, then 3 and so on.

Here are some tips on creating processes:

  • Keyword research
  • Make headline
  • Write content
  • Find photos for your blog post
  • Promote (e-mail blast to subscribers, share on social media, share with other relevant sites)

It is important to note that if you take a break from blogging and mess up the rhythm, it may take you months to recover your traffic. No joke.

And there you have it, in short:

  • Block out time to write content (it won’t write itself unless you pay someone else to do it)
  • Go to sites such as Quora & BuzzSumo for ideas or inspiration on topics to write
  • Have an editorial calendar to keep you on track
  • Start by blogging at a pace you can handle before going any higher. Consistency is king.
