Innovation Vouchers – February Call

What could a £5000 Innovation Voucher do for your business?

An Innovation Voucher provides funding to small and medium sized businesses to work with an expert from a University, College or other Public Sector Research Body bringing new knowledge to help businesses innovate, develop and grow.

Typical projects we support include:

  • Ideas for new or improved products, processes and services
  • Product and service testing
  • Access to information and expertise on new materials
  • Tapping into research and scientific expertise

The aim of the programme is to deliver innovation and there are a number of areas of activity that are specifically excluded from voucher support e.g. buying equipment, standard training, website optimisation and standard app development.


Innovation Vouchers - February Call

Please read Invest Northern Ireland‘s guidance on What can’t you use an Innovation Voucher for (PDF) before completing an application form.
