Business Profile: McWits

Name: Christopher McWilliams
Business: McWits
T: 028 8224 7539
M: 0797 419 8957
L: Enterprise Building, Great Northern Rd, Omagh BT78 5LU

Business Profile: McWits

Can you describe your business?

McWits, simply your technology expert. This is what the company is about. We provide up to date technology to our clients. No jargon, no fancy talk – we use clear concise language to explain what solutions are available to you and how they can be implemented. We take the hassle out of your technology and let you get on with running a successful business. We offer 4 main products: MCSupport – help for when things don’t work as they should; MCAcademy – training to get more from your technology; MCSolutions – for when the current technology solution won’t do, and; MCCloud – gives access to your office wherever you are.

Why did you start your own business?

Firstly, I have a passion for all things technology related. I see technology as a tool that provides the connection between employees and businesses, businesses and clients within all industry types. I had always wanted to run my own business and in doing so provide people with the correct tools to help their business thrive.

What are the best things about running your own business?

For me one of the advantages of being your own boss is that you get to choose the direction the business takes and the level of service that you provide to your clients. As technology has an influence in all industries, I get the opportunity to work with such a wide range of companies and see all the amazing work that they do. Running your own business also gives you freedom to balance your work and family life.

What are the main challenges facing the business?

Often I find that one of the challenges facing the business is helping clients understand the value of having the correct solution in place. Also, maintaining the level of expertise that our clients deserve is not something that is brushed up on once a month. Keeping up to date with technology is a constant – new ideas and solutions are being produced every day so to keep on top of the most recent innovations takes a lot of time.

What advice would you give to someone starting a business?

Take advantage of the help, advice and assistance that is available to you from your local Enterprise Company and Invest NI. I took advantage of the ‘Go For It Programme’ and it was a brilliant place to start. It covers all aspects of the daily running of a business and gives you a great insight into what running a business entails. Make the process as simple as possible by getting advice from business startup workshops and those who have started their own business also. Have a set of goals and values on which you operate your business and keep reminding yourself of what these are. Have a good support network of family and friends behind you too. Keep it simple and allow yourself to enjoy it!

Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?

Exciting, rewarding, satisfying.