Minister Launches Online Herd Register Guidance
Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill today published guidance for cattle keepers on reducing farm administration by keeping their herd register in the Animal and Public Health Information System (APHIS)
Minister O’Neill welcomed this latest initiative saying: “Keepers can access and update their herd information using APHIS Online at the touch of a button at any time day or night.
“The new guidance sets out the conditions for use of the online herd register and keepers who want to use this new facility should read and understand the guidance, which is available on my Department’s website, before they start to keep an online herd register to ensure they fully comply with the conditions.”
The Minister concluded: “Keeping an online herd register is voluntary and keepers can continue to maintain an on-farm herd register if they prefer, even if they currently use APHIS Online.”
As well as this latest guidance the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has published a range of videos on its website to explain how to use APHIS Online.
The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) offers a course for keepers on how to register on APHIS Online, notify cattle births, deaths and movements, and access herd information.