#digitalOmagh February Meet Up
The next #DigitalOmagh evening meetup is on Thursday 25th February 16 in Omagh Enterprise Company at 6.30pm!
6.30pm Pizza, Refreshments & Networking
7.00pm Welcome
7.05pm Gareth Boyle*
7.15pm Matt Johnson*
7.30pm Discussion & Networking
*Gareth Boyle InterMedia Ireland will talk about video production and different ways to connect with online audiences through the use of video. Gareth will also provide some tips on what to consider when creating a video production.
*Matt is an Innovation and Technology Specialist for ICT and Digital with Southern Regional College, an ICT business owner and he also runs the trade association for the digital industries (including software, media and ICT) in Northern Ireland, Digital Circle. He’ll be talking about the Employer Support Programme and Innovation Vouchers through the college and other assistance for innovation, export and skills that can be facilitated through Digital Circle.
You can register online getinvited.to/digitalomagh/feb2016/
Look forward to seeing you all !