Business Profile: Canine Care
Contact: Lynda Hill
Business: Canine Care
T: (028) 8225 0058
Can you describe your business?
Canine Care is a busy dog grooming salon which was established in 1993. For over two decades we have been grooming all breeds of dogs to the highest standard with all the love and attention each dog deserves. At each grooming session every dog and its owner’s lifestyles are taken into consideration to ensure both the dog’s and owner’s needs are met. With our years of experience, we are able to pass on much knowledge and advice to owners to ensure their beloved dog has not only a well groomed coat but has a great life as well.
Why did you start your own business?
In 1993 I was working in a local veterinary practice and although I enjoyed my job there, over time it became more office work and less hands on with the animals. At that time, I recognised a growing need in the Omagh area for a dog grooming service. So with my desire to work more hands on with animals and the awareness of the need in the market, Canine Care, Omagh’s first independent grooming salon was born.
What are the best things about running your own business?
The freedom to make my own decisions and to be doing something I love and feel passionate about are two of the best things for me. Although I have been doing the same job for the past 22 years it really doesn’t feel like that. I think this is because I have had the freedom to change and introduce different things within the business over the years as I felt the need. This freedom has allowed me keep my passion for animals and my business alive. In return I am blessed to not suffer the feelings of the doom and gloom of work that I may have experienced in employment.
What are the main challenges facing the business?
In the early days the biggest challenge was the loneliness of working alone, then it was the big step of taking on a first employee. After that as the business grew I think the biggest challenge has been keeping boundaries. I could be working seven days a week if I allowed myself. This is something I think is a big challenge for most self-employed people. When you enjoy what you do and feel passionate about it sometimes the greatest challenge is knowing when to stop and slow down.
What advice would you give to someone starting a business?
For someone starting a business I would say first and foremost do something you feel passionate about. Work hard at it but always keep boundaries and balance so you can give your best. Believe in yourself and what you do and finally always be grateful to everyone who contributes in any way to the business you run. It is everyone who makes a business succeed, owner, workforce and clients alike. Appreciate and respect everyone for what they give no matter how big or small.
Can you describe your experience of running a business in three words or less?
Busy, interesting, rewarding.