10 Types of Content to Get Your Audience’s Attention on Facebook

Is your Facebook page a little lack-lustre? If your Facebook page is full of bland marketing messages, you are missing out of the full potential of this social media powerhouse. Facebook can help you generate a huge following, but first you need some exciting posts that will get people’s attention.

1. Trending Topics with Hashtags

While hashtags have been around the Twittersphere for years, they are still relatively new to Facebook, having debuted in 2013. That same year, Socialbakers conducted a study analyzing 233,866 hashtag posts from 10,000 popular Facebook pages. Out of the top 20 hashtags used, most were related to topical events. In addition, pages with one to three hashtags performed better than pages with more. Search the news and create some topical hashtags. Then use them in your posts.

2. “Should, Would, Which, and Who” Questions

According to HubSpot, Facebook posts with questions get more comments that posts without questions. Not all questions fare the same, though. People feel more compelled to respond to questions with the words “should,” would,” “which,” and “who.” That is because questions with these words are usually quick and easy to answer, so followers don’t mind taking a second to leave a comment.

3. Photo Voting Contests

Photo voting contests grab people’s attention and increase a brand’s reach. TabSite ran a case study on one of its customers and found that she went from 803 fans at the beginning of the contest to over 1100 fans at the end of the 15-day contest. In addition, her page’s reach improved dramatically.

You have several options for running a photo contest. You can use the Photo Contest App, TabSite, Wishpond, or one of countless other options. Then it is just a matter of setting the guidelines, and the app will do the rest of the work for you.

4. Coupons

People love to get a good deal, whether they are purchasing in a store or comparison shopping online. ATYM Market Research gathered some data from its online consumer panel and survey tool and found that 80 percent of respondents prefer coupons over any other type of content on Facebook.

Use a tool like Pagemodo to create and post coupons easily.

5. Colourful Infographics

If you really want to grab reader’s attention, go with colourful infographics. Researchers have determined that colourful visuals increase people’s willingness to read by as much as 80 percent. Infographics are a simple way to put words and eye-catching colours together. Tools like Piktochart make it easy to create infographics in a matter of minutes.

6. Original Images

The days of simple text posts are long gone, at least according Kissmetrics. The site states that original images engage users and add a personal touch to the post. Use sites like Canva, PicMonkey, or BeFunky to add some words to the images if you want.


Quotes are a great way to show your audience that you know what they are thinking and feeling. Choose a quote your audience identifies with and then use Canva or another tool to slap it on an image. That way, you can get the combined benefit of an image and a powerful quote.

8. Text with Emoticons

Text updates are a great way to get a message out there, but they can be bland. Add some flavor with an emoticon. The Simple Science of Facebook Engagement states that posts that include emoticons get 33 percent more shares and comments, and 57 percent more likes.

9. User-Generated Content

Marketers make the mistake of thinking they are the only ones who should put content on their walls, but that is not the case. Open the floor up to fans by inviting them to share their favourite quotes or tips. Turn it into a fun contest by awarding a prize to the person who gets the most likes. Personal life coach Laura Ann Allahverdi did just that, and she loved the way her wall filled up with inspirational messages. It also increased her exposure and reach.

10. Video Testimonials

Facebook hit 8 million video views a day in 2015, and customer reviews have long been heralded as a quick and easy way to build loyalty and trust for a brand. Enjoy the best of both worlds with video testimonials. Use an app like Boast to gather testimonials online and then post them to Facebooks.

Use a combination of these ideas to create the perfect Facebook marketing strategy. The right content will go a long way in building engagement and loyalty among your fan base.

Source: smallbusinesscan.com