Drink Wise Age Well Training at Omagh Enterprise
Drink Wise Age Well are providing FREE training for staff working with the over 50 population in various settings. The session seeks to train community service providers to recognise and respond to people over 50 at risk of problematic drinking. The focus will be on training providers who do not traditionally play a part in detecting alcohol problems, but who have regular contact with over 50’s who are high risk and/or who may be socially isolated. The training will give an overview of the transitional changes and risks the over 50’s may face and consider the impact and introduction, or increase in alcohol use, may have on their lives as a result. The training also allows participants to practice responding to indicators in a safe and controlled setting.
Date: Tuesday 16th February 2016
Venue: Omagh Enterprise Centre (ground floor board room)
Time: 9.30am-4.30pm
**Certified course with limited places available.
If you are interested in attending please book your place online at: drinkwiseagewell-training.org.uk or for further information place contact Pauline O’Hagan, training officer on 028 8283 9240.
We will have further training dates for staff and volunteers in the near future, please contact us for further details.