Funding For Innovative 5G Applications and Services

£1 million on offer to help businesses develop 5G applications and services

Innovate UK is investing up to £1 million in projects designed to develop new 5G applications and services.

The funding will help encourage businesses to find innovative uses for the service and exploit opportunities created by a new 5G infrastructure.

Collaborative R&D competition

The competition is open to collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. The projects:

  • must be led by a business
  • must be collaborative and in partnership with an academic or research institution, or communications services provider
  • may combine a technical feasibility study and industrial research
  • should explore innovative applications or services that leverage the anticipated benefits of 5G

Proposals are expected to be across a broad range of areas but could include ones related to:

  • the Internet of Things
  • the tactile internet
  • mission-critical applications
  • new handset services
  • new mobile applications
  • connected media services
  • immersive and interactive content
  • content distribution

Projects must last between nine and 12 months, and should focus on improving the user experience of 5G, while also addressing key concerns such as security and privacy.

Key dates

The 5G applications and services competition opens for applications on 7 December 2015.

The deadline for registration is at noon on 20 January 2016. All applications must be submitted by noon on 3 February 2016.

A briefing event for potential applicants will take place in London on 10 December 2015. Attendance is free, but you should register in advance to attend(link is external). If you can’t attend, you can register to view the live streamed webcast online.

Find out more about the 5G applications and services competition.
