Platform For Growth
Have you built your “Platform for Growth” yet?
Growing a successful business is a key priority for owners and managers and despite our economic ups and downs, the search for competitive advantage is a relentless daily challenge.
“Platform for Growth” is the theme for our Autumn programme of events across Northern Ireland which will explore some of the tools now available to business owners and management in their search for that extra piece of profitable business.
These “Platform for Growth” events been organised in association with CIDO, Townsend Business Centre, Omagh Enterprise, LedCom and Causeway Enterprise.
This series of teatime events are free and open to members, their guests and all local businesses but registration is required in order to plan light catering.
We look forward to seeing you there and helping you build a “Platform for Growth” for your business.
Platform for Growth comes to Omagh Enterprise on Thursday 15th October. Register your place here.