Employer Survey On Pregnancy And Maternity Leave
The Equality Commission invites employers to share their views on pregnancy, maternity leave and returning to work
What have been the biggest challenges for you and your business in managing pregnancy, maternity leave and return to work?
What are the strategies and practices you have used to deal with them?
Employer survey
The Equality Commission is seeking answers to questions like these in its employer survey onĀ pregnancy, maternity leave and returning to work.
Women across Northern Ireland have already responded and shared their experiences through focus group discussions, interviews and almost 1,000 responses to an online survey.
Now the Equality Commission would like to hear from Northern Ireland employers about theirexperiences, concerns and good practices.
This is an opportunity for employers to ensure that their voices are heard in the review and in the recommendations.
The online survey should take 15 minutes to complete.
Complete the Equality Commission survey.
All responses should be made before Monday 22 June 2015.
Read more on the Equality Commission review.