Innovation Vouchers – Call For Applications Open to 3pm on 22 April
What could a £4000 Innovation Voucher do for your business?
A lot more than you might imagine if you’re a small or medium sized business wanting to get that extra edge, or struggling with an issue that needs expert help to solve.
You can apply for an Innovation Voucher* worth £4k to allow you to work with one of our 39 highly respected universities colleges or research bodies.
It will help you to develop solutions to business problems, or improve or create products, services and processes that will help your business compete more effectively.
Typical projects we support include:
- Ideas for new or improved products, processes and services
- Product and service testing
- Access to information and expertise on new materials
- Tapping into research and scientific research
* the award of an Innovation Voucher is dependent on budget availability within Invest NI.
Submit your details to download the application forms here.
An Invest NI Innovation Voucher worth £4k could allow your business to work with one of our highly respected universities, colleges or research bodies.* The Call is now live.
Apply by 3pm on 22 April 2015 0800 181 4422
*Companies in the transport and agricultural sectors are excluded in line with State Aid guidelines.
The award of Innovation Vouchers is dependent on budget availability within Invest NI.
Information leaflet (PDF)
Knowledge providers and expertise (PDF)
Innovation Vouchers FAQs (PDF)
Horizon 2020 guidance notes (PDF)