Hundreds Line Up To Bag a Job At Primark

Those looking for employment were cashing in on their chance to bag a job at Primark’s awareness event held this week in the Strule Arts Centre.

People started arriving for the event from 8.30am on Wednesday morning, nearly two hours before the first session would begin. Over the course of Wednesday four sessions of the job awareness event were held to packed a lecture theatre holding up to 200 people at a time.

It is thought upwards of 800 people have expressed an interest in the jobs at Primark. However the company hope to interview 600 employees for the 120 jobs available at their new Omagh store, ahead of their August opening.

Primark are hoping to employ up to seven managerial posts, four full time supervisors and eight full time retail assistants, with the majority of work being part time employment.

A range of jobs are available in a number of areas including; sales, stockroom, cash office, merchandise and human resource jobs.

The event was organised by the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL) and included two representatives from Primark who detailed the recruitment process and information on the company.

Those at the event could also seek assistance in applying for jobs, do online job searches and seek advice from DEL qualified career advisers.

Organisers of the event heralded it a “success.”

Roisin Sloan, employment engagement senior manager with DEL said, “We have had a great turnout and today on a whole the job awareness event has been brilliant.

“More people have been turning up as the word has been getting out and there has been a lot of footfall which we didn’t expect.

“We have wanted to bring something to Omagh for quite a while now. Barry McElduff has written to us a couple of times looking to bring something to Omagh and I responded a number of times to say that we would been more than happy to do something in Omagh as long as there were jobs. People don’t want to come to a talking shop. They don’t want to go to a job fair with no jobs available for their area.

“So this is the first opportunity we have had to come and do something, which has been great.”

She now believes that the future will look bright for the town since a global brand like Primark has decided to invest in the area.

Roisin Sloan continued, “As a department we are committed to doing more in this area and we are willing to run more job fairs provided investment is made here and jobs are created”.

A spokesperson for Primark said, “We are delighted to be opening up our store here in Omagh. There has been a fantastic response to this job event today and for us it has been brilliant to see so many people enthusiastic about joining our company, especially as we are new to the area.

“The level of interest and the amount of people here indicate how Omagh is looking forward to our store opening during the summer.”


Hundreds Line Up To Bag a Job At Primark
