Reduction In Business Water Bills
Businesses will see water bill cuts in the years ahead
The Utility Regulator has issued its Price Control Determination for Northern Ireland Water (NI Water). As a result many businesses in Northern Ireland will see a reduction in their water bills.
The ruling, known as PC15, runs from April 2015 until 2021 and sets out the money NI Water requires and is allowed to charge.
It is expected the majority of businesses in Northern Ireland will see lower water and sewerage bills as a result of the ruling. The savings could equate to an average £45 for small businesses over the six-year period, to £357 for larger businesses.
Service improvements
The ruling also sets out other goals for NI Water. These include:
- improved efficiency
- continued significant investment in water and sewerage services
- improvements in levels of service
The improvements will help to improve compliance with EU quality targets and reduce flooding risks. Customer service measures will also be introduced.
Read more about PC15 on the Utility Regulator website.
Read NI Water’s statement on PC15 on the NI Water website.