#digitalOmagh Meet Up
Omagh Enterprise Company in partnership with South West College Omagh are hosting an evening on Thursday 18th September at 6.30pm for IT / Tech / Digital type people and businesses.
The purpose is to get some ideas together of what we can do to encourage these types of businesses and potentially attract more to the area. We are also linking up with the Northern Ireland Science Park who are coming along to inform the companies of the support available to them.
Agenda is as follows:
Thursday 18th September 2014
- 6.30pm Pizza and Refreshments
- 7.00pm Welcome – Nicholas O’Shiel, Omagh Enterprise
- 7.05pm Jill Cush, SWC Innotech Centre
- 7.15pm Ciara Duffy, SWC Virtual Services
- 7.25pm Peter Edgar, NI Science Park opportunities
- 7.35pm Discussion and Networking
Can you please confirm if you can attend for numbers for catering by Wednesday at 2pm. Also please feel free to bring anyone along that might be interested!
Please note there will be an opportunity to see the services available in the Ideas Centre and other services available in the South West College.
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening
If you wish to attend, contact Sharon Tracey-Collins on 028 8224 9494 or at sharon.tracey@omaghenterprise.co.uk to confirm your place.