RAKE Fund 2014 – Call for applications
Don’t forget the ISBE RAKE Fund 2014 Call for applications closes this Friday 25th July 2014.
The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Research and Knowledge Exchange (RAKE) fund is an initiative supported by Barclays Bank and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), administered through ISBE. The fund was created with the aim of assisting the exploration of issues, challenges and opportunities surrounding entrepreneurial activities and small firm performance and to encourage and promote cutting-edge research which is relevant to both the development of policy and practice.
The RAKE Fund launched in 2009 and has so far financed nineteen projects. This year’s call for bids is themed around Assessing the value of innovation and invention in small firms.
To view the full Call or to apply please visit www.isbe.org.uk/RAKE-2014-Call-for-Applications.