Omagh Business Awards. Best Start Up Business Award.
- Company profile detailing products, staff, company history, customers and current market conditions.
- Key business objectives since opening and steps taken to achieve this.
- Business growth since starting e.g. sales, staff, market share, products.
- Business competitive edge over other industry competitors.
- Evidence that company will have good prospects for the next twelve months- Business Plan/Strategy/Projections
The total word count of your entry should be no more than 1,000 words.
We welcome the provision of all relevant material that will act in support of your entry. Examples may include press cuttings, product samples, testimonials, brochures and a business plan.
This form contains 6 questions. Please ensure that you answer all questions. Any entries not adhering to the rules at the end of the entry form will be eliminated.
All entries to be sent to:
Elaine Fyffe Harper
Omagh Chamber of Commerce
Omagh Enterprise
Great Northern Road
BT78 5LU.
All entries to be received by Friday 22nd August.
Nominate at: