Corporate Photography Tips
Hi everyone, I was just thinking, if a picture paints a thousand words, how many words are you losing because of poor images in your sales brochures, catalogues or website? In this post I’ll pass on a few corporate photography tips that might be of use.
Good imagery is vitally important when producing any form of visual communication which you hope to lead to a call to action.
Many small businesses don’t have huge budgets to hire professional photographers so reach for their camera in the hope of being able to pull off the job themselves.
I’ve seen it happen so many times especially among estate agents and car dealerships. You know the kind of thing I mean..bungalows for sale and the main feature in the cover shot is a huge hedge or interior shots where the window is just a mass ov over-exposed whiteness.
With a little bit of training and some planning, your next photo shoot can be much more successful and your call to action will generate a much higher yield.
Here are 5 corporate photography tips to help you get more bang for your buck when it comes to corporate photography…
1. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
Busy, cluttered backgrounds just serve to distract your reader/viewer. Keep things simple for them. If whatever is distracting is not necessary, get rid of it or recompose your shot so that there is nothing distracting in the background (or foreground for that matter).
2. Lighting
If your lighting isn’t right, the image will never look right. Learn how to control the amount of light entering your camera’s sensor.
3. Quality of Light
If you’re shooting outdoors, there are only two golden hours in a day. One hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset. These are the times when the sun produces the best quality of light when it is not too harsh and when it takes on a more golden glow.
4. Get to know your camera
Learn how to use your camera to its fullest potential. Experiment with it a lot. Get to know its limitations and yours. If there’s something you’re stuck with, check your user manual or go online for help.
5. Get your composition right
Learn to really see. Develop your creative vision and follow the most common photographic ‘rules’ such as the rule of thirds, leading lines or the golden spiral rule. Then once you’ve learned these rules, see how you can deliberately break them and see what impact this has on your photography.
I hope these corporate photography tips help you with your photography for your business. We may have small businesses but there’s no reason why our photography in our publicity material shouldn’t be as good as the big players.